Saints Dennis and Joseph Catholic Academy is a transformative change, creating a dual-campus academy, serving students Preschool through 3rd grade (South Campus) and 4th through 8th grade (North Campus).
The South Campus at 1201 S. Washington Street serves younger students. It features a separate Early Learning Center building.
Kindergarten through 3rd grade students learn in the main campus building in a nurturing, faith-filled environment, enhanced by the use of iPads.
Extended care, athletics and specials classes – such as art, music and physical education – will be available at both campuses. Sacraments and Mass will also be celebrated on both campuses.

The North Campus at 529 Madison Street is perfect for transitioning middle schoolers, 4th through 8th grade, into high school.
4th through 8th grade students also learn in a faith-filled nurturing environment, featuring a building with a new science lab, computer lab space and a gymnasium with a stage.
Middle school students further develop their academic skills using new laptops, interactive boards and advanced technology.